Installation manual
Last updating 1th of Agust 2024
The D’AVINCI App allows the configuration of all D’AVINCI security system by simple steps. It is available for free on Google Play Store or App Store is compatible with smartphones and tablets with Android and iOS systems.
To configure the D’AVINCI wireless security system you need to install the D’AVINCI App.
Download the D’AVINCI App on your smartphone from the App Store or Google Play Store, depending on whether you are using iOS or Android.
The settings of the Users of the D’AVINCI system and the parameters of the connected devices are stored locally on the Central and stored on the Cloud proprietary D’AVINCI.
This mechanism increases data reliability and redundancy.

After downloading the D’AVINCI app on your smartphone press the CREATE ACCOUNT button

Fill in the required fields to finalize the creation of the new account.

Enter the user verification code received by email at the address indicated during registration

Access to the app with the email and password of your newly created account.

To add a new control panel press the + button on the top right or in the middle of the screen.

Add the name of the new control panel and scan the qrcode on the box of the control panel.

You will see the box of the registered system. The numbers inside the gray squares indicate the unread notifications, the numbers inside the red squares indicate any anomalies of the control panel. Below it is the system status icon (on, off or stay mode). Press on the box to access the system.
The first screen is the virtual representation of the remote control with the possibility of arming,desarming and arming the system in Stay mode (in Stay mode only devices previously programmed with this mode are armed). The selected key will change the system status and the top bar of the app will change color. A notification of the action will arrive.

Press the top left button of the virtual remote control, to arm the system.

Press the top right button of the virtual remote control, to disarm the system.

Press the button on the bottom right of the virtual remote control to integrate the system in Stay mode.
This section contains the list of devices in the system and the button to add new ones.

We will see the box of the Panel Control registered.
Press the Add Device button to add a new product.

Enter the required data and press ADD.

Tap a device box to see its active settings.

Tap the settings icon on the top right to program the device.
Rooms are the rooms in which the devices of the system are inserted. Create at least one room to which the devices are associated.

Press the Add Room button to insert a new room into the system. Tap the gear icon on the room box to change the name and upload a photo.

Tap the room box to view the associated devices. Press Add Device to insert new ones.

Enter the required data and press ADD.

In the notifications section we display the list of all the events of the control panel, to monitor over time the progress of the system.
Using the filter tabs at the top of the notification section we can speed up the search for actions. Filter tabs below:
In this section we may change your account information.

Press the menu icon at the top left to access to the account panel.

Press Edit Account to change the information.
Press Log Out to log out of the account.

You can change your name, surname, telephone number and country by going to Edit Account. Mail and password cannot be changed

You can activate an app access code by going to the Setting

Biometric authentication we can unlock the app with fingerprint if set on our mobile phone.

With the Change code key, we can change the code for security reasons.
You will be asked to enter the old code and the new one with your confirmation.

In the devices section, press the Control Panel box to access to system status.

Press the settings icon at the top right.

Choose whether to add a User or an Installer and press on the reference icon.

Press the Send invite code button to add a new user.

Type the email of the user we want to add and press the INVITE. The user must already be registered to the app.
From now on, the new user will be part of the system and he/she will see the associated system icon on the app of his/her phone.

By clicking on the user’s name, in the user list, you can define the permissions granted to him.
The Master user may revoke or delete Installers and/or Users.

In the devices section, press the Control Panel box to access to system status.

Press the settings icon at the top right.

Choose whether to delete a User or delete or revoke access to an Installer and press on the reference icon.

Select from the Users or Installers list which to delete or which installer to revoke access to the system (the revoked installer no longer has the possibility to interact with the system).

Confirm your cancellation or revocation of access.

Press the red installer icon on the right of the app screen to request access as an installer to the alarm system from the Master user.

Select the time for which the access to the panel control is required.

The Master user will receive in the notification section the installer activation request, click on View Request.
Accept or Reject the request with the time specification.

If the request is accepted, the installer icon will turn green and be enabled.

In the devices section, press the Control Panel box to access to system status.

Press the settings icon at the top right.


In the devices section, press the Control Panel box to access to system status.

Press the settings icon at the top right.

Press Enable connection via cellular network to allow the backup of the control panel when there is no internet connection.
Exit the screen and save via the arrow in the upper left.
With sim of operators TIM, Vodafone and WindTre the APN data will be compiled automatically by the control panel.
If you are using a sim with another type of telephone provider you will need to manually enter the required APN data.

In the devices section, press the Control Panel box to access to system status.

Press the settings icon at the top right.

We can divide the system into several Areas, the Areas are a set of sensors and are manageable independently. For example, we can decide to insert the “First Floor” Area, which includes all the sensors of the first floor of the house, and disconnect the “Tavernetta” Area, which includes all the sensors of the tavern spaces.

In the devices section, press the Control Panel box to access to system status.

Press the settings icon at the top right.

Press the Areas button.

Press the Add area button.

Name the Area and add a photo if you want, press SAVE.

The newly created Area box will appear, tap the box to access and add devices to the Area.

To add or remove a device press the +.

Select the devices to add or remove from the Area.

It is possible to arm, to disarm or to arm in Stay mode the single Area pressing the icons of the indicated box; or it is possible to command the system in total way, working simultaneously on all the Areas, through the bar in bottom.
In case a device is present in 2 Areas, it will be activated only when both Areas are armed.

In the devices section, press the Control Panel box to access to system status.

Press the settings icon at the top right.

Set and enter all data for the connection to a Surveillance Center

In the devices section, press the Control Panel box to access to system status.

Press the settings icon at the top right.

System integrity check: by enabling this feature, at the time of insertion, the system warns in case of anomalies and open areas on all devices.
You can enable the status of the panel control to be included in the verification.
Enabling Allow insertion enables the system to perform forced insertion, even in case of anomalies.

In the Various section, you can decide later on when the system will exclude an alarm sensor.

In the devices section, press the Control Panel box to access to system status.

Press the settings icon at the top right.

This function allows us with a single command to activate multiple actions in sequence.

In the devices section, press the Control Panel box to access to system status.

Press the settings icon at the top right.

Press Add scenario to create a new Scenario. You will see the Scenario button created with the key to enable it.
Press on the name of the Scenario, to access the programming and add the actions that compose it.

You can set Arm, Disarm or Stay mode.
You can select the activation of a roller shutter actuator or lights.
You can select which Area the scenario will be activated for.
You can enable a time programmer, with time and day of execution.

The control area is located in the ACTIONS panel, it is displayed when there are light actuators or roller shutters in the system.
This area displays the list of all scenarios and individual commands that have been programmed in the system with the ability to activate them.